Thursday, January 15, 2009


"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." -Anaïs Nin
*We have the courage to make tough decisions. We have the courage to stand up for others.
Do we have the courage to say
"I'm tired"? "I need time off"? "I don't want to do that"?
"NO" I say it all day long without hesitation- both professionally and personally. It appears to come out with such ease…
No, you can’t go.
No, you have to do your homework first...
No you can't go there after school again...
No, we are not buying that...
...even at work...
No, the documents were not correct...No, the policy reads...blah..blah...
Of course the substance of the questions, ultimately determine whether or not our answer will be yes or no. I apparently have one exception to that rule-Volunteering- my weakest link to the word "No". What in the world is wrong with me?? Volunteering is a completely different story for many of us busy moms and dads.... whether it be a charity, kids school or special ministry. Why do we feel it necessary to take on so much? I've been pondering all of my volunteering as the year came to a close and have decided that I think it is going to be okay to say, "No." I find that when I allow myself to "No," then it creates space for the very real and authentic "yeses." I have more energy when I do things from that place, and not one of obligation or guilt. What about you? Will you say No, this year?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year…Resolutions…

A year coming to an end. A time for new beginnings. Certainly a good time for reflecting. Looking back at the "old” year that has just come to an end. A time to take a deep breath and exhale …EXHALE... Letting go....putting to past all that we have seen, learned, loved and lived through…until it becomes a memory. Hopes of keeping some old habits in the past year and of course starting some great new ones!!
Closing a chapter. Time for a new book. A New Year of 365 pages to live.
Of course I have my new wall calender for 2009...however it has yet to be placed on the wall...but it will be soon. Our large calender that really belongs on a desk..but it's nice to have the big blocks to write on..and erase....especially if the girls get the urge to write down their plans...(instead of telling me on the way to school the same day they need to bring a snack for the class...or at 10pm the night before)For the most part the girls are quick to fill in their birthdays only---...I've gotten most of January filled with basketball games and orthodontist appointments.... Emily's braces should be coming off this year...and I'm assuming just in time for Maddy to start the whole agonizing process!!
Emily starts High School in the Fall...I should be so lucky...blessed is more like it...she has many goals...she is very determined and works very hard. In my opinion of course, she is the nicest girl her age, I've ever seen or remember for that matter!...So the New Year will be bitter sweet for my little Emmy Kate...She will be closing a chapter of her youth only to start one of the most unforgettable times in her life. I'll be watching her too closely...
Madeline starts Middle School this Fall...she is most like her Daddy...eager for the year to come to an end...ready for something new...start "fresh" so to speak... On the other hand...she seems to of inherited some of the traits I possessed during my middle school I will be watching her too closely as well..
Have you ever noticed how you can pass on all the advice and experience in the world to your children the end..the only thing that really seems to to let them learn from their own experiences? Sure we can talk to them until we're blue in the face...but rarely does that work... Personally, I found that listening is the way for me to truly hear what is going on in their never ending complicated adolescent minds. However, keeping my mouth my two a whole different matter!
Happy New Year!!!