Friday, February 27, 2009

thirty something...

Geesh...yesterday after I was walking through the parking lot..I realized I'd forgotten where I parked my car!! I couldn't believe it! Especially after poking fun of so many for this very thing. There I was walking through the lot trying to stay focused and walk I knew right where I was heading. In reality, I had zero recollection of where I parked that morning...much less even pulling into the parking lot.
What in the world is going on with my mind these days. One minute all my ducks are in a row..the next all the ponds are frozen! It must have something to do with being over thirty. I do not recall having any of these issues when I was in my twenty's.(unless I was pregnant)
I now must write most things down...unless they are issues I never intend to address again.
I still like dark nail polish and blond highlights. I don't know how I'd ever live without my brown lip liner and lip gloss. Sometimes I do step into the future and have a "french manicure" which I love...but it's very hard to keep up with. I love Facebook and The Twilight books. I've read Breaking Dawn three times! I'm addicted to word challenge...and I'm not very good.'s Friday...evidently, I'm letting loose for the weekend...just like most people do. I've heard it called "Fridayitis" Have you ever noticed how incredibly happy people are on Friday? I can usually tell by a person's happiness on terrible their Monday's going to be. I'm not saying that to be negative..but it's actually true. I discovered this about five years ago...when I was still in my twenty's...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Calender Companion Quotes for Women...

This Christmas, my Mom got me a desk calender for my office at work. It's a "daily quotes" calender....the kind you rip the pages off everyday. However, the quotes are specifically for women! I've gotta tell ya..some mornings I really laugh out loud at some of them...and other mornings I could easily cry..(but not at work) So, I'm thinking every Wednesday I will post a few of the funny quotes for my blogger friends to enjoy!

What We Do for "Beauty"

Did you know that some women have had their floating ribs removed in order to have smaller waists? They walk among us as we speak.